Monday, January 2

Exclusive Interview with Chris (Human Race)

Calligraphy: Hi! This is Calli! I’m the unlucky—I mean the lucky moderator chosen to give you the first among a series of interviews with the different races and residents of Planet Uld. To kick off the series, we will start with a human. Let us welcome Chris!

Chris: Hello Calli! It’s nice to see you!

Calligraphy: It’s nice to see you too! First of all, thank you very much for entertaining our interview request.

Chris: Oh that’s not a problem. I’d love to talk to fellow humans, you know. Uld just seems to be so different because of all the other races living there.

Calligraphy: I see. So can you tell us more about this planet Uld?

Chris: Sure thing! Uld is such an interesting place. Like I said, there are many races living there. The place is vibrant and there are a lot of places to explore. The only thing is, it is currently inhabited by a lot of dangerous monsters.

Calligraphy: Hmm… I’m not sure if vibrant and dangerous go along with each other…

Chris: Haha. Well, the terrain of Uld is very diverse. From caverns to icy peaks, those places are really fun to visit. But when it comes to monsters, I always carry my sword and shield for protection. Besides, I usually go out with my colleagues.

Calligraphy: Who are these colleagues you are talking about?

Chris: There’s Grunt, who’s a Cyclops. He’s strong and very reliable. There’s Lillin, a Satyr. She seems very gentle and kind, except against monsters that is. And there’s Leo, a Gremlin. I really don’t understand what he’s doing with his gadgets all the time. Haha.

Calligraphy: You seem to be a very diverse group! Good thing you’re in good terms with them.

Chris: Oh sure! You know us, humans. We’re very friendly and we flourish with the aid of all those who can aid us.

Calligraphy: I guess you’re right. Well anyway, I guess that would be it for now. <I’m kind of hungry already.> Thank you for giving us a glimpse of Uld and the different races living in your planet. I’ll be inviting your friends for an interview too, if you don’t mind.

Chris: Sure thing! Thank you too and have a nice day!

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