Thursday, March 8

Chapter 5: The Battle Rages

A platoon of human soldiers marched towards Ishrock, and brought hope to the village. Strengthened by the arrival of reinforcements, the Cyclops warriors let out a huge war cry.

“For Ishrock!!” shouted the noble Cyclops warriors.

With hundreds of soldiers rushing towards the village, the yetis and the grass goblins started to become overwhelmed. The Cyclops and the humans banded together in perfect unison to overcome the threat. After hours of nonstop fighting and when victory seemed to be at hand, the leader of the raiders appeared. Walking slowly at a distance is Priotus, a twenty five-feet tall yeti.

“A yeti of that size only means that he’s the leader, I suppose?” Chris jokingly remarked, amazed by the huge specie coming towards their direction.

“His name is Priotus, second in command in the Uriak tribe,” said Grunt.

Chris was even more amazed! “You mean this big guy is just second in command?”

“Yes. The leader of the Uriak tribe is bigger and bulkier, not to mention that the Uriak tribe is one of the smaller yeti tribes here in Icepeaks,” explained Grunt.

“Heh! That doesn’t matter,” Chris arrogantly replied. “I’m going to kill this big guy and squeeze the answers out of your village chief!”

Chris dashed towards Priotus and killed all yetis that stood in his way.

“There he goes again,” Lillin let out a sigh.

As if forced to protect him, Lillin and Grunt followed Chris. With pinpoint accuracy, the gentle but deadly Satyr, shot dead the sneaky goblins who tried to kill Chris from behind. Chris, on the other hand, continued rushing and lunged an aerial sword attack to the yeti’s leader. Intrigued by his little aggressor, Priotus brushed Chris off with a single hand. Chris fell hard on the snowy ground.

“Chris!!” yelled Lillin, and fired three quick bullets to the yeti’s body.

The yeti was unaffected and continued walking towards the house of the village chief. The other Cyclops warriors and human soldiers went to attack him, but all their efforts were in vain.

“I’m not yet done with you!” shouted Chris.

He ran towards Priotus and jumped. With a sword in his hand, he stabbed the yeti at the back of its head. Priotus let out a cry of pain and finally fell down, dead.

“Impossible! Is that…?” the village chief couldn’t believe what he just saw. Nobody else noticed, but for him, it was as clear as the flowing river.

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